Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Training on the Run

Would you be surprised if I said that sometimes life gets in the way of training? I'm traveling for work. Four days away from home and my road bike with only eight days remaining before the ride. I would not consider this to be the best of circumstances as far as training is concerned. Of course, had it occurred earlier in my training I would have been even more concerned. This week and next are "taper" weeks. At this point I should be ready to ride 300 plus miles and my focus should shift to being rested. That doesn't mean taking time off from the bike, but it does mean scaling back my miles so that I am not stressing myself, but maintaining the level of fitness I've achieved. So, what to do while I'm gone? My only choice is a stationary bike in a hotel's fitness center. While I miss the beautiful outdoors, peddling indoors will have to do. Training has many parallels for life. Sometimes we just do not have the most ideal conditions or equipment to address what life throws our way. So we make do with what we have available. The cliche - when life hands you lemons, make lemon aid - has some value. I can not control all of the circumstances in life or people's responses to me, but I can control my response and do what I can with the resources I have available to me. So, life like training, can be approached with a clear goal in mind, guiding principles to focus the journey, and resourcefulness to make work what you have.


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