Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bird Watching: The Common Redpoll

Sitting outside today I notices a "finch" dashing to and from a small tree. Upon closer observation I discovered a common redpoll had built a nest and was settling in for a while.  She didn't seem bothered by a camera lens poking at her through  the leaves.  After she vacated the next for a short time I was able to capture her pride and joy - three beautiful eggs, full of potential. She is such a little bird (about 5 to 6 inches in length) to have laid three eggs. I was most surprised that she had laid eggs this late in the year. I was under the impression that most bird built nests and laid eggs in the spring. For more information about the common redpoll click here. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

On the Way to the Ball Game

Tonight was my first ball game of the new baseball season. I love going to baseball games. I was attending an event in Chicago and left at noon, drove home, picked up friends and by 4:00 p.m. were on our way on the turnpike to Cleveland. Anticipation was high. We were all talking about the various string of injuries our beloved Indians had been suffering, including today's announcement that Victor Martinez was heading the to DL.....suddenly Judy squeaks, "Did you see that!?!!!"  Julie was reading Sports Illustrated and I was concentrating on the road ahead. Judy then pointed excitedly to the rear and said, "What was that? Slow down". So I slowed to 55....then 50....then 45.  Fearing I would get run over by a semi, I asked, "Why? What am I looking for?" Then I spotted a car gaining on me. The car seemed to have a very large top. Slowing to 40 I could begin to see more details of the car. Low and behold, Judy proclaimed, "Yes, it is a lawn mower". Startled at the proclamation, Julie was now intently peering out the back window. I had slowed to 35 and the car with the big top - yes a lawn mower - moved into the passing lane to pass.  We grabbed cameras. We all agreed no one would believe this if we told the story without pictures.  So here they are?  Now, you tell me, how did that get up there? 

Let's Go Tribe!

We finally arrived at "Progressive Field". Ug!  Since the stadium was build the field has been know as "Jacob's Field". This spring we read in the paper that the naming rights had been sold - "Progressive Field". Well, it will always be "The Jake" to us.  There is just something "weird" about naming ball parks after companies. What is lost is the wonderful history of the ball parks. Yankee's Stadium (so what will it become when the new stadium opens next year?), Fenway Park, and Wriggle Field, Tiger Stadium (soon to be demolished I hear - but I've heard that since Comerica field opened). What will baseball be when these stadiums get "corporate" names?  No need to let a little thing like a name spoil our trip to the stadium. It was a wonderful Thursday night. Warm breezes, hints of summer, and a clear sky greeted us in Cleveland when we exited the freeway and began our search for a parking space. That search did not last long as for the first time in three years of visiting "The Jake" I was able to find parking in the stadium parking structure. Oh, was this to be indicative of things to come? We walked right out of the stadium parking onto the sidewalk next to the upper deck gate. As we entered we spied our section, third base here we come. We made our way to our seats to gain our bearings before going for food. But first, we noticed the Indian players warming up, playing catch and signing autographs just below us. So, with camera in hand, looking for the perfect shot of David Delucche for Julie and Grady Sizemore for me, I headed for the first row. After several shots, success!  Wearing a grin a mile wide I returned to me seat to show Julie my "catch". Several wonderful shots of her "hero" David Deluche.  I just only wish I had gotten such a great shot of Grady. Oh well, I would settle for a good shot over no shot.  Excited about our early "success" we headed for the concessions. After a short wait, hot dogs in hand we headed back to our seats to settle in for 9 innings on "bliss". Yes, bliss. I love the pace of professional baseball during the summer. The game is just fast enough to keep your interest between great conversations and shared camaraderie.  Cleveland brought their bats.  Nine innings later the Indians beat the Twins 12 to 2.  Another great win against their Central Division "foes".  With a loose grip on first place, this series, even being early in the season, was important.  We hung around to take in the beautiful night, get some great field shots and most importantly let the cars clear out.  The game was all we could hope for and the night was more than "perfect".  

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Morning Person

Today was our first 90 degree day! I'm a morning person who is often up early and heading to work so I can get a jump start on the things I need to do. Sometimes I even take time to "smell the roses" as my mother advised. Today I decided to capture the glory of a humid morning.  The morning sun was peaking through the porch and glistening off the dew on the ornamental grass. Morning are so peaceful and the day is so full of promises.