Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Flight of the Hummingbird

I have always enjoyed birdwatching. I have peppered my backyard with bird feeders. Despite my constant frustrations due to fighting off squarels, the feeders are a wonderful way to attract a wide range of birds. I live in an old wooded area that has been turned into a housing development. Thankfully the developer knew the importance of keeping trees. Annually I can attract the typical array of finches, jays, cardinals, and redbirds. I even have a redheaded woodpecker who visits for the peanuts on a weekly basis. But my pride and joy is my ruby-throated humming bird. Today he finally appeared. I periodically visit the web site that tracks the hummingbird's migration from the South to the North ( just so I know when to begin putting out my feeder. This year I kept watching and watching. I was beginning to lose hope, when suddenly this morning a male hummingbird appeared. His fast moving wings that produce a stillness while sucking nectar out of the feeder is one of the most amazing natural paradoxes for me. His grace, speed and beauty is captivating. This year I was particularly blessed as I visited San Francisco in early March. My trip took me to a hotel near a park that was blooming with spring flowers. And there, I saw my first hummingbird of the 2008 season. These are the moments that take my breath away.