Monday, March 3, 2008

A Gift of Time

Over the past year I have come to embrace business travel for one of the unintended gifts it gives me:  "time".  Life as I experience it is fast paced, demanding and full. Slowing life down to provide me the reflection time necessary to process events, readings, interactions, etc. has become more and more difficult. If you've traveled by air lately you have come to experience the "hurry from gate to gate" when flights are booked close together or the opposite extreme of lengthy periods of time between flights that must be filled before boredom takes over.  I have come to find that in either situation I am afforded a precious gift:  time to reflect.  Whether sitting at the gate or sitting on the plane I can get lost in my thoughts.  Nothing is more precious to me then spending time with family and friends but when business travel whisks me away from them then I embrace the gift of time. 

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