Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The First Snow Fall 2009

I love the first snowfall of the year. It always seems to be beautiful and peaceful. Generally, the first snowfall isn't some major storm or blizzard, but a gentle few inches that melts by mid-day. As a child I eagerly anticipated the first snowfall, anticipating months of sliding, skiing, and occasionally snowmobiling. I grew up not far from the lake shore and experienced the wonderful lake effect snow that can only be experienced in a handful of states in the United States. Where I live now, the annual snowfall pales in comparison to where I use to live. What we get throughout the winter was often the total snowfall for a week in January. However, the excitement and beauty is no less amazing whether it be 25 inches a year or 125 inches a year. Our first "accumulating" snow fall this year occurred at night, adding to the wonder and beauty. A walk around the neighborhood revealed an enhanced beauty as the snow was illuminated by the Christmas lights that adorned many, many houses. While I eagerly await spring and opportunities to bike and ride my motorcycle, I will pause and take in the beauty of the season.

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