Garrison Keillor
Are you an NPR listener? If so, you will recognize the name, Garrison Keillor. If not, your might recognize the name from Prairie Home Companion or Lake Wobegon. If not, time to do an Internet search and listen to some of the archived programs. Tonight, Garrison Keillor was on our campus. Before the event I attended a VIP reception where Garrison Keillor stepped in for what we all were told was to be a 15 minute appearance. He stayed longer. He interacted with our college president who then deferred the interaction to me. Garrison's wit, hu
mor and brilliance was quickly evident. With his beginning question about what our college was known for, to a question about what was wrong with K-12 education, right through his discussion why animals in his stories, he engaged in a conversation with our small group displaying wit and wisdom. Prior to leaving for his monologue before 1700 people in our multipurpose room, he presented the "vips" in the room with autographed books. Here we thought we were meeting the VIP and he made it a point to acknowledge the vips from the college. He begin is monologue singing while a few late stragglers were ushered to their seats. He then began by looking out a window right of stage and began to talk about "April" and how it was such a special month for
love. He carefully interwove the theme of love throughout his next 30 minute presentation. He began with a story about one of his dates during prom while growing up in Minnesota. He move that into another story about love and fantasy. Each story built upon another story, often with what seemed like random connections, but carefully woven into each story and holding them together was a message about a "simpler time" when things were focused on love and relationships. He spoke from just over two hours. Throughout his entire presentation he never paused or hesitated while delivering many messages through stories and songs.

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