What is the only profession in which you can be wrong most of the time and still be employed? Forecasting the weather! I'm sure weather men and women get razzed a great deal by their friends, families and even strangers. Yesterday, the news began broadcasting that our area was going to get a major winter storm. The previous weekend we had watched the reports out of Washington D.C. chronicling the 24 to 30 inches of snow fall they received. We didn't think we would get 24 inches, but the forecast was calling for 6 to 8. Reports had the storm starting around noon today. I left for lunch - no snow. I headed to my 4:00 p.m. meeting - no snow. However, when I emerged from my 4:00 p.m. meeting around 5 o'clock the snow began. Driving home was a challenge as the heavy snow fall was whipped around by the wind. We are not use to major snow in this area so drivers are ill prepared to navigate the snow. However, as I drove home this evening I couldn't help but wonder had this time one of those times when our weather forecasters were right.
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