Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. It was especially fun as a kid. As an adult, I often associate Halloween with raking leaves. Today was no exception. Today was a great day for raking leaves. The weather was not cold, but brisk. The wind was very light. Heavy winds do not help us leaf rakers. Today was the "perfect" day. So after six hours, I felt content with the pile I had amassed. The one thing I miss however, is the bonn-fire. As a kid, we raked le

aves and dragged them to the "burn pile". Then we added to the pile all of the tree and bush cuttings from throughout the summer and fall. We saved the burn pile for after trick-or-treat on Halloween. It was there, unlike Linus who waited in the pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin, we gathered waiting for the roasting of the marshmallows and fresh apple cider after walking what seemed like miles and miles for candy. Today, I had to be thankful for a leaf pile that the township would pick up since

burning is "illegal". However, I was able to enjoy six hours of raking and reflecting upon Halloweens past. After finish the raking, I settled in for handing out candy. I still enjoy seeing all of the little kids and their costumes as they approach the door. Our neighborhood kids are still so polite. My two terriers often assist me in handing out candy. I typically dress them up and let them enjoy the fun. My littlest terrier stands at the top of the stair way looking through our glass door at the children. As the night continues on and she sees that they are just getting something from me, she makes her way down the stairs only to stand at a distance and watch them. My oldest terrier clings to me. With terrier in one arm I had the children candy with the others. Often they ask me why she is dress up or if she went trick-or-treating. It is so fun to watch their faces light up at the site of a terrier dressed for Halloween.
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