Tonight was my first ball game of the new baseball season. I love going to baseball games. I was attending an event in Chicago and left at noon, drove home, picked up friends and by 4:00 p.m. were on our way on the turnpike to Cleveland. Anticipation was high. We were all talking about the various string of injuries our beloved Indians had been suffering, including today's announcement that Victor Martinez was heading the to DL.....suddenly Judy squeaks, "Did you see that!?!!!" Julie was reading Sports Illustrated and I was concentrating on the road ahead. Judy then pointed excitedly to the rear and said, "What was that? Slow down". So I slowed to 55....then 50....then 45. Fearing I would get run over by a semi, I asked, "Why? What am I looking for?" Then I spotted a car gaining on me. The car seemed to have a very large top.
Slowing to 40 I could begin to see more details of the car. Low and behold, Judy proclaimed, "Yes, it is a lawn mower". Startled at the proclamation, Julie was now intently peering out the back window. I had slowed to 35 and the car with the big top - yes a lawn mower - moved into the passing lane to pass. We grabbed cameras. We all agreed no one would believe this if we told the story without pictures. So here they are? Now, you tell me, how did that get up there?
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