We finally arrived at "Progressive Field".
Ug! Since the stadium was build the field has been know as "Jacob's Field". This spring we read in the paper that the naming rights had been sold - "Progressive Field". Well, it will always be "The Jake" to us. There is just something "
weird" about naming ball parks after companies. What is lost is the wonderful history of the ball parks. Yankee's Stadium (so what will it become when the new stadium opens next year?),
Fenway Park, and Wriggle Field, Tiger Stadium (soon to be demolished I hear - but I've heard that since
Comerica field opened). What will baseball be when these stadiums get "corporate" names? No need to let a little thing like a name spoil our trip to the stadium. It was a wonderful Thursday night. Warm breezes, hints of summer, and a clear sky greeted us in Cleveland when we exited the freeway and began our search for a parking space. That search did not last long as for the first time in three years of visiting "The Jake" I was able to find parking in the stadium parking structure. Oh, was this to be indicative of things to come? We walked right out of the stadium parking onto the sidewalk next to the upper deck gate. As

we entered we spied our section, third base here we come. We made our way to our seats to gain our bearings before going for food. But first, we noticed the Indian players warming up, playing catch and signing autographs just below us. So, with camera in hand, looking for the perfect shot of David
Delucche for Julie and Grady
Sizemore for me, I headed for the first row. After several shots, success! Wearing a grin a mile wide I returned to me seat to show Julie my "catch". Several wonderful shots of her "hero" David
he. I just only wish I had gotten such a great shot of Grady. Oh well, I would settle for a good shot over no shot. Excited about our early "success" we headed for the concessions. After a short wait, hot dogs in hand we headed back to our seats to settle in for 9 innings on "bliss". Yes, bliss. I love the pace of professional baseball during the summer. The game is just fast enough to keep your interest between

great conversations and shared
camaraderie. Cleveland brought their bats. Nine innings later the Indians beat the Twins 12 to 2. Another great win against their Central Division "foes". With a loose grip on first place, this series, even being early in the season, was important. We hung around to take in the beautiful night, get some great field shots and most importantly let the cars clear out. The game was all we could hope for and the night was more than "perfect".