The rite of spring - opening day for baseball. However, this April 10th was anything but spring-like in Cleveland, Ohio. Mid 40s and a drizzle accompanied the first pitch by Indian's rookie Scott Lewis at Progressive Field. However, the weather would not nor could not dampen my excitement. As an avid baseball fan, this was the first time in my life, I was attending opening day for MLB. I've been to opening day for the single A West Michigan Whitecaps (then an Oakland A's minor league team) for their inaugural season in Comstock Park, Michigan and six subsequent seasons, but I'd never been to an opening day in an MLB park.
Having scored "club" seats, I was thrilled to be able to watch the first three innings from wonderful second deck seats close to indoor, heated club seating. Additionally, the all you can eat and drink food service allowed me to try out all the plentiful baseball fare. I was in b
aseball heaven. That was topped off by a Travis Hafner homer, his second in two days. After watching three, fairly cool, but not cold innings, I left the outdoor seating area and entered the indoor club area to scope out a seat and my favorite ball park food; hot dogs and nachos. After finding a seat, I discovered that
the food was even better. The wide variety and choices made it terrible difficult to watch the game. The variety of aromas called my name. Upon selecting a variety of items, I settled in to watch the middle part of the game on TV. After one and 1/3 innings the rain increased and a rain delayed ensued. Enjoying the wonderful and company, we waited out at least 2 hours of the rain delay. We left
and returned home (90 minutes later) to watch the remainder of the game from our warm living room.
After a 3 hour and 47 minute rain delay the Indians and Jay resumed play. The final the Jays 13 and the Indians 7. The weather, final score, and the shorten stay at the stadium will not dampen my memories of a wonderful FIRST open day at a MLB ballpark. Go Tribe?