What does a cyclist do in the winter? Read Bicycle magazine and dream of warmer weather. As a kid I always loved winter. I'd cross country ski, snowshoe, and slide and until my lips turned blue. Lately, winters do not seem as snowy as they use to be. So instead of snow activities I take to the road with my running shoes and ipod. Running reminds me why I like bicycling so much more. While winter conditioning is helpful for jump starting my riding season, it seems like I need so much more motivation. I guess there is nothing like gliding along the open road on two wheels.
Join me in reflecting and reminiscing about cycling (motorcycle and bicycle), traveling, bird watching, sports and all other adventures in this ordinary life.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Winter Blues
What does a cyclist do in the winter? Read Bicycle magazine and dream of warmer weather. As a kid I always loved winter. I'd cross country ski, snowshoe, and slide and until my lips turned blue. Lately, winters do not seem as snowy as they use to be. So instead of snow activities I take to the road with my running shoes and ipod. Running reminds me why I like bicycling so much more. While winter conditioning is helpful for jump starting my riding season, it seems like I need so much more motivation. I guess there is nothing like gliding along the open road on two wheels.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a special time, and this year was no different. Our Christmas was a wonderful day spent with family. The day dawned bright and crisp. This would not be a white Christmas despite recent snows. We celebrated Christ's birth and His precious gifts of family and friends. After sleeping in we traveled south an hour, arriving at our destination. We ate, exchanged gifts, and shared stories through out the day. We watched and laughed as our terrier tore through wrapping paper eager to get to her present; a wrapped ball; always her favorite. We pretended to eat "play food" as the grand children played with their new kitchen and food. My thoughts were with my many friends traveling and visiting their families. I hope that your Christmas was wonderful as well.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
"The Weather Outside is Frightful"
I awoke this morning, to my delight, to several inches of blowing snow and magnificent beauty. While shoppers are stuck at home worrying about finishing their shopping and wondering if they should venture out; I'm sitting inside wondering when I can strap on the cross country skis and hit the trails. The beauty of a snow storm from the inside out is magnificent. As I listen to the Christmas songs of the season so many of them reference "winter" and "snow" and winter activities. I often wonder how people in warm weather areas relate to the songs. But this morning as I sit and look out, the "Dashing Through the Snow", "White Christmas" and "Sleigh Ride" songs take no imagination.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Ride Suspended
Iced Over
Winter holds many beautiful days. Ice storms contain many beautiful pictures. While traversing the treacherous terraine one can see the beautify all around. Today was such a day. Schools were closed, roads were icy, beauty was all about. An ice storm is cause for a pause. It slows the hurried among us. Take notice of the beauty.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The First Snow 2007
I love the first snow fall! It is full of anticipation....it is something new and different that hasn't been part of my life since the previous spring when spring was teasing my senses. As a kid the first snowfall meant the hope of school being cancelled due to snow. It meant hours upon hours each night sliding down a hill in the back yard and coming inside to hot chocolate before crawling into a warm bed. It meant approaching holidays. As I grow older the first snow fall holds so many of the same anticipations. As the wet, big flakes mixed with rain eventually covering the grassy areas; I found myself looking forward to more and more accumulation leading to wonderful hours cross country skiing in the nearby woods. I continued to push away to dread of driving through snowy, slippery conditions and instead pictures trees blanketed with snow along the branches. While this snow melted away in hours, the anticipation lingers. It will snow again.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to pause and reflect about what is good in life. Thanksgiving this year included the traditional food, friends, family, football and shopping. But beyond these routine events is the opportunity to reflect on the things in life that one is thankful for. Sometimes this is more difficult than at other times. When life is good I often find myself being more thankful more often. However, when life is challenging and difficult I find I have to be even more conscious of being thankful. This year I'm in the later space. After three wonderful days spend with friends, laughing at life, remensing about our adventures, and plan for future ones; it is easier to say that I'm thankful for the special people with whom I share my life.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Whose Written Word Anyway
Recently a friend and I exchanged pieces of written work. I read her poem and she read my editorial on leadership. This is where I "struggle" as a writer, so is my writing for me? for others? If for me how can or should it be critiqued by others? If it is for others shouldn't I want their critique? To share it or not to share it????
Words are so personal - there is so much more there behind what the words say. For example, there is so much of me as a person reflected in those words. But words are "labels" and don't work for me because I'm not just a singular idea or concept. Isn't that true of the words too? Isn't there so much more behind the word? I can write the words and then there is so much more behind them for me and also there is so much more behind them for the readers.....so where is meaning? whose meaning? the RIGHT meaning? is there such a thing as the RIGHT meaning?
I felt this so deeply in college. In one class I had to "interpret" poems. I would write up my analysis only to be told how wrong it was. But wasn't it my interpretation? Can an interpretation be wrong? Wasn't it my prior knowledge and experience that enlightened my meaning reflected in my analysis?
So why share your writing with others? Doesn't your writing have a life of its own once it is shared? But what is that is not the life you wanted your work to have?
Words are so personal - there is so much more there behind what the words say. For example, there is so much of me as a person reflected in those words. But words are "labels" and don't work for me because I'm not just a singular idea or concept. Isn't that true of the words too? Isn't there so much more behind the word? I can write the words and then there is so much more behind them for me and also there is so much more behind them for the readers.....so where is meaning? whose meaning? the RIGHT meaning? is there such a thing as the RIGHT meaning?
I felt this so deeply in college. In one class I had to "interpret" poems. I would write up my analysis only to be told how wrong it was. But wasn't it my interpretation? Can an interpretation be wrong? Wasn't it my prior knowledge and experience that enlightened my meaning reflected in my analysis?
So why share your writing with others? Doesn't your writing have a life of its own once it is shared? But what is that is not the life you wanted your work to have?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Baseball Fever
Fall is for football AND playoff baseball! People like predictability. The playoffs are anything but predictable, except.....the Yankees! Again this fall the Yankees found a way to make it to the post season. But so did the Cleveland Indians. The opening game of the American League Divisional Season was played in Cleveland. A tough ticket to be had.....so when I was able to get tickets I was elated. And the game was worth every penny. After the Yankees quickly jumped out to a one to nothing lead on a controversial first batter home run originally called foul and then called fair, the Indians behind CC Sabbathia settled down, cranked up the bats and reeled off 4 home runs and many more hits that led to 12 runs and the victory. But that doesn't capture what the opening round of the playoffs is really about. It is about approaching the stadium on I90 and gradually slowing to a crawl as you exit onto the roads leading to the stadium. It is about wondering whether or not you'll ever find a parking spot after the parking lot you've been waiting for, for over 20 minutes closes after the car in front of you pulls in - no more parking spots left. It is walking toward the gate, "stalked" by ticket scalpers charging outrageous prices for top row seats in the farthest corners of the stadium. It is the anticipation of walking through the gate, pausing for the bag search, and begin handed a towel - "Its Tribe time now". As you move toward your seats the smells of the food is enticing. Same food as in July when we were here last, but the crisp fall air heights the aroma and the realization that this is the last visit for another year heights the cravings. After a short weight for the eats we climb to our seats. Whoa! How can tickets purchased off Stub Hub provide us a perfect location smack dab behind home plate in the highest section. The view of the field, the stadium and the city of Cleveland was breathtaking. As opening ceremonies began the emotion began to swell up. Emotion that doesn't make sense, but touches all of the important memories in life: Patriotism, childhood, family and past world series appearances leaving fan empty and the title unclaimed. Players were announced while fans booed the Yankees and cheered the Indians. After a wonderful rendition of the star-spangled banner, the release of balloons, the first pitch by the man with the drum in the outfield the managers exchanged lineups. As the umpires took the field the crowd began their shouts, "Yankees suck, Yankees suck!". The creshendo ended with CC's first pitch. But the cheers continued until the final out and the crowd happy walked to their cars and bars after a resounding Indians victory over the often-hated Yankees. October Madness begins!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Back on the Mortorcycle
Today I was able to jump back on my other cycle......my motorcycle. I began the day with 525 miles on the motorcycle and over 1000 miles on my bicycle. Who would have thought? Reved the engine in the driveway and steadily pulled out. Destination? A favorite sporting goods store in southern Michigan. Twenty-five miles of wonderful highway along a wooded stretch of road. As we passed the campground the smell of fall campfires waffed in the air. A beautiful fall day, but one far more like mid-July than early October. Ninty degrees.....a third day of near record temperatures. One thing that my motorcycle and bicycle have in common.....it isn't the destination, but the journey that is important. Wish I could live my daily life focused more on the journey than what I need to check off my "to do" list.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Becoming An Author

What does it feel like when you finally accomplish a goal? Do you feel that way when you accomplish every goal or are some goals more celebratory than others? I always wanted to get something published. Not sure why, but it was something I wanted to do. And it finally happened! This month my unit on the American Revolution was published by Scholastic Publishing. Whaoo! This was the culmination of a six year journey which began in Washington D.C. one November Saturday. I had just finished making a presentation at a national conference when this wonderful person began asking me many questions about my presentation. Flattered than anyone who care enough to ask so many, in-depth questions I indulged her as long as the questions kept coming. That conversation led to an offer to publish the unit I had just presented. Several drafts later it appeared to be published soon, only to be sidelined because of the elevation of reading and mathematics in the wake of No Child Left Behind. Then one day a year ago I received the long awaited e-mail.....you unit will be published in the fall of 2007. That began a six month working relationship with a teacher and editors as we piloted and polished the final product. Today I can celebrate that product! The wait and work was worth! The joy of receiving a publisher's copy before release was indescribable. I can only thank God and Scholastic for the opportunity. Check it out: TEXT
Sunday, September 9, 2007
A Fan in Enemy Territory
Fall, Fires and Football: Those three ideas go hand in hand for me. I love fall. It is one of the most wonderful times of the year. I love being outside in the cool, crisp air. One of my favorite rites of passage is the first weekend of football. I often try to get tickets to opening day somewhere. I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. This year I was able to get tickets to see my beloved Steelers when they opened the season in Cleveland, Ohio. I found myself at the very top of the stadium....the very top row. The view was awesome. I could see every play and enjoy every touchdown of the Steelers' victory......in the midst of Steelers fans. Yes, Steelers fans in Pittsburgh. It felt like a home game for me. For just over three hours I could sit and forget the cares and pulls of my "real" life. During that time I could smell the amazing food smells, feel the chill of fall air on my face, and express the wide range of emotions that come from being totally sold out for a time. I could cheer after Roethlisberer threw touchdown passes to Hines Ward, Santonio Holmes, and Miller. I could enjoy the athleticism of the amazing runs, tackles that comes between those scores. After 41 (Steelers 31, Browns 7) points and a down poor I could smile as I walked out of the stadium to my car, knowing that I my escape from the "real" world.
Monday, August 20, 2007
The First Pitch
I love baseball. I enjoy going to baseball games. The sites, sounds, and smells enhance the experience. Have you ever wondered how the person throwing out the first pitch gets selected? As a kid when I attended games with my family I often wondered how people got to throw out the first pitch. I always wanted to be that person. Three weeks ago I was chosen to represent a group attending a baseball game by throwing out the first pitch. It was a complete honor! Three other people also got to throw out a pitch. But it didn't matter to me that I was one of four people....I WAS one of four! How cool was that? I arrived at the game early and checked in at customer service. When the time came to walk out onto the field the only thought I had was "throw it so the catcher can catch it". I was worried that I would bounce the ball up to the plate or worse yet throw it a mile over the catcher's head. I kept thinking I should have practiced all week to make that throw. I couldn't believe how nervious I was. While I played softball in college and for many years after, I had not thrown a ball in a couple of years since I tore my rotator cuff. I really hadn't given much thought to the idea that 10,000 plus people would be watching. See, I knew better. The only people who really focus on the first pitch is your family and friends and people like me who sit in the seats wishing it was them.
Monday, August 13, 2007
By the Number
It is Monday and the Inaugural Pan Hope Ride is history. The emotional high continues. I will run on adrenaline today as I go back to work. I live in the world of data and statistics; so lets look at a few. The Pan Ohio Hope Ride took me along 282.3 miles of roads and trails in four days during 20:31:28 hours. I burned 9880 calories while averaging about 13.5 MPH. During the past four days I consumed some 15 bottles of Gatorade, 12 bottles of water, 8 bananas, 4 power bars, 4 bags of energy beans and two servings of ice cream. All to raise about $3300.00 for the American Cancer Society Hope Houses. No matter how I present the numbers, all personal "records"; I could not possibly capture the magnitude of the personal achievement.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Becoming a Family
Fourth and last day of the Pan Hope Ride. We came to Cleveland as strangers but leave as a family. By today we had covered over 200 miles. We had tired legs, sore butts, and depleted energy. Evidence that we had become a family began early on and has been very evident the past two days. Last night we all waited by the finish line and refused to go to dinner until our last two riders had arrived. We had become a family. Today we were going to pull everyone through....no matter what. We grouped up, we cheered each other on and we waited two miles from our finish until everyone had arrived so we could all ride into the Hope Lodge as one. We had become a family! This experience was not unlike what my family faced on seven different occasions with cancer. When our family member was stricken with the battle for their life we all filled in and played various roles to pull everyone through. We did not leave each others' side. The last ten miles into Cincinnati included a number of hills that felt much worse given the 95 plus temperatures and legs that had 280 plus miles on them. But as I approached the meeting area I could hear the cheers of those who already arrived and that pulled me through. Once I arrived I joined the cheering riders waiting for the next set of riders to arrive. The paramedics who followed the last set of riders radioed to our group that the last two riders were on Erie street. We all stood and began waiting until we could see them crest the hill so we could cheer them on. We had become a group of riders not individuals riding in the Pan Ohio Hope Ride. Once everyone had arrived at the meeting spot we grouped up to ride into the Lodge together.
Arriving at the Hope lodge was a very emotional experience. Tears and hugs were abundant as we celebrated being pioneers for a cause that we all deeply believe in and have been touched by at least onc
Finding Your Limits
Day four of the Pan Ohio Hope Ride allowed me to experience my limits. We left at 7:00 a.m. for our last 79 mile ride. Mostly flats for the first 70 miles and then we were told to expect a gradual uphill into Cincinnati. We road along the Little Miami River trail. Beautiful morning...great sunrise and a wonderfully shaded trail. As the morning wore on and the sun rose higher in the sky, the temperatures climbed. By now many of us were physically spent. We constantly cheered each other on as we passed one another or arrived at rest areas. Our emotional high was dampered by a crash. One of our rider ran headlong into another bicyclist along the trail. Each were pretty bruised and sustained several cuts. Our rider was taken to the hospital and not able to finish the day. As we made good time into Cincinnati the temperature reached 95. As I began the ride into the city I saw the gradule up hill climb that we were briefed about. At this point my legs had peddled 285 miles in three plus days. I was spend physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is at this point I began to wonder, "Can I do this last five miles". N
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Glorious Flats
Day three of the Pan Ohio included 79 miles through some wonderfully flat land. Today was a dramatic change from the hills of yesterday. Times increased and the pack of riders bunched up along the route today. I teamed up with thee other riders during the first 28 miles before the first rest stop. Through rolling hillside we managed just over 16 MPH while we each took turns drafting and pulling. I often train alone but today I truly. Saw the value of the team. Not only did I save energy when I drafted but I could set the pace when I pulled. Additionally I had the benefit of cheering each other on through the hills and I really experienced a team environment. After the first rest stop we picked up 7 more and our pellaton was really working. We were able to finish the 79 mile ride averaging 16 miles an hour on very tired legs from the day of hills before.Today we stay at A
Friday, August 10, 2007
Hills, Big Hills & Even Bigger Hills
Day two of the Pan Hope Ride was one of the most challenging rides I have ever done. The first 48 miles had us riding over some of the hilliest country in Ohio. There were times today that I rode 7 miles an hour uphill and then down hill at 39 miles per hour. The speed range was amazing. The biggest hill took us up a 300 foot elevation over a quarter mile. At the bottom of this hill I dropped down into my easy geared and pushed down on the pedals. When I came to a plateau point where the road split I turned left to continue on our route and looked up only to realize that what was ahead was much steeper than what I had just climbed. I am not too proud to say I walked up that one. At the top I looked back; jumped back on the bike and continued to the next hill. Only about four riders rode up that hill. I have come to understand why sprinters do not win the Tour de France. I train on flat terrain and while I felt prepared to traverse "rolling hills", I was not ready for these. These were definitely NOT rolling hills, but foot hills and included short, steep climbs and long windy descents. There is nothing near where I trained that could have prepared me for this. I am half way through and feeling proud of what I have done. The most challenging part of the ride is behind me. Tomorrow we have 78 miles of mostly flat riding. Bring it on! I am ready to conquer day three!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Hot, Humid, Hills, Headwind & Hydration
These are all great buzz words for today. Throw in a thunderstorm in the afternoon during the last leg of the journey and you have a good picture of the first day of the Pan Ohio Hope Ride. I knew I would be challenged by this ride and I am not disappointed. We began the day at about six fifty while the Cleveland NBC TV station broadcast our departure live. We followed the Ohio Erie Canal path as far as we could to our final destination of the day in Wooster.
From start to finish it was 63 miles ridden at an average of 13 mph in a little over five hours and 2638 calories expended. I am wondering what I have left to give tomorrow along the most challenging stage of the four day event. We are the first organized event group to ride the entire distance of the Ohio Erie Trail. The trail is wonderful but incomplete between some parts. Many sections of the trail are not connected becaus
I am checked in and officially here. Wake up call at four forty five AM! Yes you read that right! Met some fellow riders at the Hope Lodge where we had dinner. I also met some of the guests. They are truly an inspiration as they shared how much the Lodge means to them;and how without it they could not get treatment. The Lodge is an amazing facility. Now I am back in my dorm room with my fan a blasting trying to stay cool and fall asleep. As I anticipate the big first day I am excited and nervous. I am pumped and ready to peddle,but nervous as the unknown is before me. I look forward to seeing Ohio and getting to know my sixty fellow riders. I look forward to hearing their stories of hope and courage and heart ach. I look forward to knowing if my training paid off and I look forward to many reflective moments. Thanks for joining me!
Nine and a half hours before the ride!
P.S. Forgive my typing I am on my blackberry...Isn't technology wonderful!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I Bike for Life
A couple of years ago Melissa Ethridge wrote a song, "I Run for Life" as a theme song for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event. Her words were rooted in her own personal battle with cancer. The chorus of her song states: I run for hope; I run to feel; I run for the truth; for all that is real; I run for your mother, your sister, your wife; I run for you and me, my friend; I run for life". The word "bike" could easily be substituted for the word "run": I bike for hope, I bike to feel; I bike for the truth; for all that is real; I bike for my mother, her sister, and Al's wife; I bike for you and me, my friend; I bike for life". In honor and memory of all those for whom I bike during this week's Pan Hope Ride, I will wear a jersey with their names. Thanks Melissa for my voice in your song and thanks to all of you for whom I ride: Mom, Dad, Sally, Tim, Grandma, Ed, Vic, Sue, Bill, Tuck, Joseph Weston, Al Sands, Thomas Buhr, Bev Johnson, Karen, Kelli, Karen R., Theresa Weston, Maggie Duvall, Robyn, Melissa - I bike for you!
One more day until the ride!!!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Fifteen Minutes of Fame
It seems like everyone is trying to get his or her "fifteen minutes of fame". Cliche as it might be it seems true to me. Consider all the people who try out for American Idol -and who shouldn't try out - they are out for their moment of fame. When the Toledo Blade asked if I would be interested in sharing my story about training for the Pan Hope Ride, it was not about my fifteen minutes of fame. For me it was about helping people in northwest Ohio become aware of a wonderful cause. I was raised with the idea that "good works" should be done in "secret", but I felt that this journey was worth sharing. Several donations have come in as a result of the Blade story. As a result, I am thankful that the story went public. You can find the story at: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070802/NEIGHBORS05/708010332&SearchID=73289432722769
Three days until the ride!
Three days until the ride!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Mental Preparation
Four days until the ride ! Today a dreary rain falls across northwest Ohio. This is a much needed rain during a rather dry, hot summer. The weather seems to match the training goal of the day - "renewal". The next four days are rest days. At least physically resting as I prepare for a drive to Cleveland to join the other Pan Hope riders who will embark with me along the 300 plus mile journey to Cincinnati. Renewal means eating right, getting plenty of sleep, packing what I need and reflecting upon the marvelous support I've received from donors and friends who have cheered my training on through sharing their cancer stories. This morning I wrote thank you letters to donors and added more names to my bike jersey. Names of people who have or are battling cancer. Names given to me by donors who want to honor or remember their loved ones who have faced cancer and either won or lost their physical battle. I ride for them!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Training on the Run
Would you be surprised if I said that sometimes life gets in the way of training? I'm traveling for work. Four days away from home and my road bike with only eight days remaining before the ride. I would not consider this to be the best of circumstances as far as training is concerned. Of course, had it occurred earlier in my training I would have been even more concerned. This week and next are "taper" weeks. At this point I should be ready to ride 300 plus miles and my focus should shift to being rested. That doesn't mean taking time off from the bike, but it does mean scaling back my miles so that I am not stressing myself, but maintaining the level of fitness I've achieved. So, what to do while I'm gone? My only choice is a stationary bike in a hotel's fitness center. While I miss the beautiful outdoors, peddling indoors will have to do. Training has many parallels for life. Sometimes we just do not have the most ideal conditions or equipment to address what life throws our way. So we make do with what we have available. The cliche - when life hands you lemons, make lemon aid - has some value. I can not control all of the circumstances in life or people's responses to me, but I can control my response and do what I can with the resources I have available to me. So, life like training, can be approached with a clear goal in mind, guiding principles to focus the journey, and resourcefulness to make work what you have.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
How do you train for a 300 mile ride?
How do you train for 300 miles? I received much advice raninging from "just ride as much as you can" to "train like you would for a century". Either way it means I am spending many many hours on my bicycle. Generally my training includes two "short" rides during the week (20 miles) and a long milage day on the weekends (50 to 70 miles). Today was my long milage day. Sixty-two miles completed in 3 hours 45 minutes averaging 15.9 MPH. The last half was ridden into a head wind. The excitement when I finished was wonderful! I DID IT !!!! Accomplishing a goal feels good.
I am training in northwest Ohio. Northwest Ohio includes some of the best farmland in the nation. And it is flat. I use to live in central and northern Michigan where rolling hills often made up the route. You may be thinking "the flatter the better". At first that may make sense. But a flat route requires that I supply all the power. No coasting down hills along a flat route. Of course, no struggling up hills either. Training on one type of terrain doesn't mean I'll be prepared for all types of terrain I may encounter between Cleveland and Cincinnati.
Life is similar. If life didn't contain some bumps in the road I wouldn't be prepared for all types of situations. Life is not always smooth (anagolous to flat) and if it was I would have to provide all of the motivation (power) to move through each day. The trials in life have taught me a great deal and strengthen me in a number ways making me better prepared for life. Just like hills are necessary for training so are trials necessary in life.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Why Ride for Cancer?

People have asked me, why ride for cancer? One's "causes" are generally personal. This one is no different for me. Eighteen years ago this summer my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and eleven years - and countless battles later - cancer took her life. She was the fourth person in my immediately family to have been diagnosed with cancer. Three others since have been diagnosed with and have battled cancer. My first family member to die of cancer was in 1982; so you could say that cancer has been part of my life since then. Ministering to and supporting others who have cancer or have family members with cancer seems natural to me. So riding in honor of those battling cancer and in memory of those who've lost their battle with cancer just seems right. Because of my family's history, I have worked to reduce risks often associated with cancer; exercise has been a part of that plan. So this bicycle ride seems like a perfect blend of my own battle against cancer and supporting individuals who have had to live with cancer in their lives as well.
TWENTY-ONE days before the ride!
TWENTY-ONE days before the ride!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Pan Hope Ride

On August 9th I will set out for a 300 mile plus bike ride between Cleveland and Cincinnati to raise money for the American Cancer Society's Hope houses located in both Cleveland and Cincinnati. Join me as I train for this ride and while I'm on the road beginning August 9th.
To learn more about this ride visit my Pan Hope page at:
Ride along as I archive my thoughts on training, riding, and inspiration.
To learn more about this ride visit my Pan Hope page at:
Ride along as I archive my thoughts on training, riding, and inspiration.
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